
WiltonLogic's test procedures focus primarily on executive function, including working memory and attention, and flexibility in decision making.

Impulsive behavior includes fast and inaccurate decision making, preference for instant gratification and lack of persistence.

Rating Scale Administration
WiltonLogic software can be used to administer a range of different rating scales using Likert Scales or Visual-Analog Scales.

Translational Research
WiltonLogic has taken special care to choose methods that could be adapted for non-human subjects. Some examples can be found here.

Test Battery Design
The individual tests designed by WiltonLogic can be integrated into an easily administered test battery specifically tailored for your needs.

Custom Test Design
WiltonLogic has a simple and flexible approach to constructing psychological test programs, and we are always interested to hear new ideas for tests from our customers. If you have an idea for psychological construct you would like to measure, and there is no test available, please contact us, and we will use our expertise to help you.
Check out the interactive demos! Please contact us for any special requests or services.